STEP 1 Info Form Please complete this Info Form to get connected here at CCF! Every volunteer must have an Info Form filled out before completing a Volunteer Form. Info Form Info Form PRIMARY FAMILY MEMBER Name * First Name Last Name Gender * Male Female Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Home Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Birthday * MM DD YYYY Martial Status * Single Married Divorced Widowed How did you hear about us? * Ministries/Small Groups you are involved in: SPOUSE Spouse's Name First Name Last Name Giving Statement (If married) Combined Separate Phone (###) ### #### Email Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Birthday MM DD YYYY Ministries/Small Groups you are involved in: CHILDREN (UNDER AGE 18 THAT ATTEND CCF) Child 1 First Name Last Name Gender Male Female Birthday MM DD YYYY Child 2 First Name Last Name Gender Male Female Birthday MM DD YYYY Child 3 First Name Last Name Gender Male Female Birthday MM DD YYYY Child 4 First Name Last Name Gender Male Female Birthday MM DD YYYY Thank you for connecting with us! STEP 2 Volunteer Form Fill out the form bellow if you’re interested in volunteering with us at CCF! Volunteer Form Volunteer Form Have you filled out an Info Form? * (If no, please EXIT form and fill out an Info Form prior to this Volunteer Form) Yes No PERSONAL INFORMATION Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### OTHER INFORMATION Do you attend Services on a regular basis? * Yes No If yes, which service and for how long? What ministries are you involved with at Calvary Chapel Fellowship? * Please list the name of a Pastor or leader who is able to give a reference: * First Name Last Name Phone * (###) ### #### How and when did you become a Christian? * AREAS OF MINISTRY Below is a list of serving opportunities at Calvary Chapel Fellowship: (Please mark up to 3 areas of interest only) * Children's Ministry Cleaning Crew Greeter Info Desk Helping Hands Hospitality Parking Tech Team (Audio, Visual, Lighting) Usher Worship Team CCF Store ZEAL Youth Volunteer Information Please describe why you would like to serve in these ministries: * As part of your application for serving at Calvary Chapel Fellowship, you may be subject to a background check. By checking “yes,” you agree to a background check. * A previous record does not prevent you from serving at Calvary Chapel Fellowship, but it may limit the areas in which you can serve. Yes No STATEMENT OF FAITH Do you agree with ALL of Calvary Chapel Fellowship’s Statement of Faith? * A. We believe that there is one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory; that this triune God created all, upholds all, and governs all. B. We believe in God the Father, an infinite, personal Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power and love; that He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of men; that He hears and answers prayer; that He saves from sin and death all who come to Him through Jesus Christ. C. We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles and teachings, His substitutionary atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, perpetual intercession for His people, and personal, visible return to earth. D. We believe in the Holy Spirit, who came forth from the Father and Son to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, and to regenerate, sanctify and empower in ministry all who believe in Christ. We believe the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Jesus Christ and that He is an abiding Helper, Teacher and Guide. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit and in the exercise of all biblical gifts of the Spirit as reflected through the fruit of that same Spirit. We believe in the baptism with the Holy Spirit as an experience, which occurs, either subsequent to or simultaneous with salvation. The Holy Spirit’s power is necessary to make us bold and effective witnesses. The supreme evidence of the baptism with the Holy Spirit is a new dynamic in the life of the believer. E. We believe that all people are by nature separated from God and responsible for their own sin, but that salvation, redemption, and forgiveness are freely offered to all, apart from works, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. When a person repents of sin and accepts Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord, trusting Him to save, that person is immediately born again and sealed by the Holy Spirit, all his/her sins are forgiven, and that person becomes a child of God, destined to spend eternity with the Lord. F. We believe that the only true basis of Christian fellowship is Christ’s unconditional (agape) love, which is greater than any differences we possess, and without which we have no right to claim ourselves Christians. G. We believe worship of God should be spiritual. Therefore, we remain flexible and yielded to the leading of the Holy Spirit to direct our worship. H. We believe worship of God should be inspirational. Therefore, we give great place to music in our worship. I. We believe worship of God should be intelligent. Therefore, our services are designed with great emphasis upon the teaching of the Word of God that He might instruct us how He should be worshipped. J. We believe worship of God should be fruitful. Therefore, we look for His love in our lives as the supreme manifestation that we have been truly worshipping Him. K. We believe that all the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, fully inspired without error in the original manuscripts, and the infallible rule of faith and practice. L. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ committed two ordinances to the Church: 1) baptism, and 2) The Lord’s Supper. We believe in baptism by immersion and The Lord’s Supper (Communion) open to all believers. M. We believe in the personal, visible return of Jesus Christ to the earth and the establishment of His Kingdom; the resurrection of the body; the final judgment and eternal blessing of the righteous and endless suffering for the wicked. Yes No If no, please explain: REQUIREMENTS TO SERVE Do you agree with the following requirements to serve? * A. Your personal relationship with Jesus Christ should be the highest priority in your life and kept with utmost diligence by regular Bible reading, prayer and fellowship with the church. B. Working in any ministry of Calvary Chapel Fellowship, you will be expected to abstain from all substance abuse (1 Timothy 3:3). C. Your speech must be edifying. Gossip, slander and cursing are not acceptable (Ephesians 4:29-31). D. Your appearance reflects not only you as an individual, but the church as well. Although Calvary Chapels are known for their “casual” atmosphere, we expect everyone to take pride in their appearance and to strive to have a positive image when representing the church and the Lord. We ask that clothing be modest, clean, and appropriate. We should never dress in a manner to draw attention to ourselves, or that may cause a brother or sister in Christ to stumble in their Christian walk (Romans 14:13; 1 Timothy 2:9). E. Your life ought to reflect the life of Christ as you seek to live according to scriptural principles, demonstrating moral purity and Christian ethics (Ephesians 4:17-5:21). F. Your life ought to reflect the life of Christ in sexual purity. Scripture defines sexual impurity as any kind of sexual intimacy or sexual misconduct outside of the boundaries of marriage, such as premarital sex, extramarital sex (adultery), homosexuality, and pornography (Romans 8:8,13; 1 Corinthians 6:16; Ephesians 5:3; 1 Thessalonians 4:3–7; 1 Timothy 3:2; 2 Timothy 2:21; Hebrews 13:4). G. As a volunteer in any ministry of Calvary Chapel Fellowship, we expect you to be dependable and responsible in your service by keeping your commitments to the people you serve and the team members with whom you serve (Colossians 3:23; 1 Timothy 4:15-16). I understand that I represent Jesus Christ and Calvary Chapel Fellowship in my involvement with this ministry. I am prepared to temporarily remove myself if one of these areas becomes an active problem in my life that could undermine my witness and damage the organization’s reputation. I understand that I will be interviewed by a ministry leader before approved for ministry service. Yes No Virtual Signature * First Name Last Name Thank you for filling out a Volunteer Form! Someone will reach out to you soon.