
  • Every Wednesday at 7PM we gather for worship in the Auditorium and then split into different groups around the campus (Men’s, Women’s, etc.)

    CLICK HERE for the main Wednesday page!

  • Home groups lay a foundation for small group community (around 12 people) to encourage each other in our faith and Christian life. We do this by sharing a meal and praying for each other once a month in homes. Singles, couples and families with children of all ages are invited to be a part of a home group & build relationships around our shared spiritual life.

    CLICK HERE for the full Home Groups Page!

  • Every Thursday at 6:30PM in The Cube

    Here at CCF, we want to do our part in inspiring the next generation of young adults (ages 18-30) to grow in authentic relationships with Jesus and each other. Our meetings include fellowship, worship, bible studies and group discussions. We want to cultivate a bible-based and spirit-filled church that’s welcoming and genuine for Jesus.


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  • Every Tuesday at 6pm in The CUBE

  • Co-ed Bible Study every Friday at 10am in The CUBE

Different ministries to plug into