Home Groups
Share a meal and pray for each other.
Home groups lay a foundation for small group community (around 12 people) to encourage each other in our faith and Christian life. We do this by sharing a meal and praying for each other once a month in homes. Singles, couples and families with children of all ages are invited to be a part of a home group & build relationships around our shared spiritual life.
You will receive a confirmation email and then be contacted by a home group host. They will provide you with the information of when and where their group meets.
Participants are assigned based on location. This enables our mission as stated in the Biblical Basis.
Possibly. If people know of a group that has available space, they can request that specific group when they sign up online. However, this is not guaranteed, as placement is based on space and availability.
Absolutely! As long as the host can accommodate children. Childcare is not provided. Parents will be responsible for their own children.
Due to intentionally limited space, our home groups are prioritized for our congregation. However, if someone does not have a home church then they are welcome to attend one of our groups and are invited to join the church.
People can sign up (by clicking the button above) to request hosting a home group. Approval is subject to an interview with one of the pastors.
Biblical Basis
We share a meal to build relationships and practice hospitality.
(Acts 2:46-47)
We pray for each other to place Jesus at the center and encourage one another through life.
(Matt. 6:9-15; Gal. 6:2-5; James 5:16)
We want to see our church build relationships around Christ before anything else. For this reason, home groups are intentionally organized by location rather than common ages, or interests.
(1 Corinthians 12:12-14; 1 Peter 2:6-10)
Locations around our city
2nd Friday of the month
3rd Thursday of the month
Last Monday of the month
Last Thursday of the month
2nd Friday of the month
2nd Saturday of the month
Sunday 2nd Sunday of the month