House Churches

House Churches are our monthly house meetings where hosts can invite friends, family, co-workers, etc. to gather and watch our CCF Livestream together.

House Churches are one way we fulfill Acts 2:42 as a church, through the gathering for prayer, worship, a message, and the breaking of bread together. For more information on our vision for House Churches click the button bellow.

Click through the list to find a time and location that works best for you, or click the button bellow to host your own CCF House Church.

Currently open monthly house churches


  • Bill & Terry Oliver

    co-host | Melissa Lambert

    Meets the 3rd Saturday (Monthly)

    6PM Service

    St. Pete 33704

    Kids: No

    (727) 481-2690


  • Joseph & Emily Besel

    Meets the 3rd Sunday (Monthly)

    9AM Service

    Pinellas Park, 33781

    Kids: No

    (727) 687-1451


  • Diane & Carlexxus Palacio

    Meets the 3rd Sunday (Monthly)

    11AM Service

    St. Pete (Lealman), 33714

    Kids: Yes

    (727) 542-1695