CCF House Church Vision

Fulfill Acts 2:42

42 “ They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”

Technology today not only connects us but provides opportunity for people all over the world to join CCF Church online. What a better way to invite/engage with family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and others who may not attend church, than host a “CCF Church Service” in your home”

  • Teaching

  • Prayer

  • Fellowship

  • Meal

  • Suggested times to meet:

    Saturday 5:45pm - 8:45pm

    Sunday 8:45am - 11:45am

    Sunday 10:45am - 1:45pm

  • Flexible format:

    View LIVE online

    Worship (25 min)

    Sermon (40-45 min)

    Fellowship together

    Discussion/Meal (30 min)

    Prayer (15 min)

  • How it works:

    View CCF livestream

    Discuss sermon

    Share a meal

    Pray together

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