Wednesday Night Women’s Group

All women are invited to join us for a 10-week study of the book of Job as we learn to trust in God’s perfect love and sovereign plan through the pain and suffering we experience in life, even when we don’t understand why.

We will meet in the Auditorium on Wednesday nights at 7pm beginning September 11th.

Sign up and purchase the required study guide at the link below.  Please complete chapter 1 BEFORE the first meeting.

Wednesday Night Men’s Group

Men's groups serve as a foundation and a launch pad to deeper fellowship with God and the people around you. Our desire is to see men step up to the role they've been given in the creation order within their own lives, their families, the church, and the world. Men's groups are the beginning of that discipleship process and open the door to further opportunties of service, prayer, fellowship, and even one on one mentorship with other men in the church.

We will meet at CCF on Wednesday nights at 7pm beginning mid September.

No sign up necessary!